Psychlogy Today has't had anything close to "journalistic standards" for what, 45 years?

It's a take-all comers website. Yes, some solid experts have columns, but I often wonder why they swim in the self-promotional, any whackadoo-theory welcome sewer. I suspect they don't know or don't know how else to get their message out there.

I'm VERY interested in Sheeringa's work, will buy the book today, and read thoroughly.

I've been warning about the ACES industrial complex for several years. Few want to hear it. It interferes with their "scheme" now. Do they get better? Uncertain. But they certainly feel like they have an explanation, even if it the wrong one.

In my field, Adult ADHD, I've seen the territorial encroachment — even to the point of claiming that trauma causes ADHD.

And will someone please get Gabor Mate off my Facebook feed? He has no qualifications for making the claims that he does.

Back to PT. I don't doubt that PT "de-published" the post. Fear of flame wars and even denial of service attacks were paramount. After all, it is a for-profit venture.

PT owner is Sussex Publishers. Who are they? Who knows. It's almost for certain it's another "disruptive" vulture capital play.

CEO is listed as Jo Colman, "Before building Psychology Today, I owned and ran Spy, Mother Earth News and Country Music magazines." Seems qualified to me!

But who needs qualified editors when you're relying on therapists who paid a directory fee to be the fact-checkers.

"The integrity of Psychology Today's Therapy Directory relies upon its professional membership. Professionals pay a fixed monthly fee to participate. Everyone pays the same. We do all we can to maintain accurate information while allowing professionals themselves to control their own content and to display it without fear or favor."


Thank you.

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We are so fucked.

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Thank you for publishing this.

It took me a while to NOT giggle at the sheer ironic coincidence of Prof Shonkoff’s name.

It’s Australian slang term to call an overpriced and overhyped but dangerous/inferior product or service as ‘shonky’. A local consumer advocacy non-profit awards a bunch of ‘shonky awards’ for the worst products and services of the year. Academia needs something similar I think…

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Thank you for teaching me (30 years ago) how to be a critical thinker — so important to fighting group think. Would love to catch up, Professor!

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Is this Helen ne Shulha? The now-famous and influential lawyer?

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Yes!!! (Minus the “now-famous” lawyer part lol!) Is there a DM option on substack? I’m new to this platform. If not email me helenoscislaw@gmail.com if you get a chance!

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Brilliant, Professor. Thank you.

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Lee, I’ve always loved your work but with this post I’ve fallen even deeper in love ... with your “work”, not necessarily “you” but that’s probably jus cuz we’ve never met. Keep up the great work.

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I am probably too crabby and have too many thorny edges for most people to fall in love with,. But I sincerely thank you for the praise!

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Fascinating. Never heard of Toxic Stress. A silly thing to be censored.

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There is only one question now when it comes to any public discussion on any political or social issue: WHO/WHOM?

If it supports your tribe and its narratives or injures the other side and its narratives: then it is either "true" or true enough for you to publicly support, defend and broadcast. And of course the opposite holds true too.

Left academia and their journalist followers have made it pretty clear that they have abandoned scholarship (the objective pursuit of facts) for political activism and "moral clarity". This makes them essentially politicians, which means they should be treated the same way and (dis)trusted as much as any other politician.

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