Absolutely appalling treatment of Fiedler. And kudos to Krueger for taking a stand--if only more did the same. The cowardice of the people now running our institutions is truly breathtaking.

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So well said! Kudos to Dr. Krueger!

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It is time that the likes of you all (meaning with that, academics who preserve a sense both of proportions, fairness, reason, and a true commitment to the scientific method versus the misleading logic employed by theology whatever name it bears today) get together.

Would it not be wonderful if you could set up a universitas studiorum of the not converted, dedicated to continuing serious discourse and research? The internet, which has brought this catastrophe upon us, has the means to do that.

For if the movements since the 18th century have taught us something, it is that the circulation of ideas and the forming of groups that embrace those ideas are essential to counter any unbalanced state of things. The not converted, the dubious, and the secretly questioning, need visible places where to find answers and reasoned arguments. Where to find reason. Where to find science.

Where to find the strength say no, and the even-minded refutation of this madness.

It would be useful if you could all coordinate and give us a home, in the form of a place of learning, a hub of civility and sense.

Forums are great, and blogs are useful, but it seems all too scattered. We need solid scholarship, stacked up, easy to find, there for all to see and refer to.

It may be too much to ask from people with a huge workload and already under pressure. But hope never dies.

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We are trying to do just that. But, as you suggested, it is hard and time-consuming. And none of us ever built an organization from scratch like this before. So its a heavy lift, but, then, I recently re-read The Little Engine that Could to my grandkids. You old enough to remember when Americans thought of ourselves as a "can do" people? I am. Its gone from the culture. But its not gone. Work in progress, but feel free to check out SOIBS.COM

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Just a year younger than you, and I heard the "can do" people reference... but never met The Little Engine in my childhood. I am British and the national characters we used to pride in are more bumptious than that.

But we are all in the same boat and culturally, like it or not, you are the Empire now. My thanks for SOIBS. I became a donor. Castles are built stone over stone.

Now here's to hoping that it spreads to a larger and larger section of the Sciences and also to the Humanities (my field is History) before the latter lose any relevance whatsoever except as breeding grounds of ideological narratives.

I am elated that it has begun.

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Psychologist here. So sad to see the hard won gains over the last 50+ that legitimized psychology as an empirical discipline be reversed. I feel embarrassed to call myself a psychologist these days.Thank you for being a true leader Dr. Jussim

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If APS can no longer function as a scientific organization then I hope SOIBS will grow and lead the way

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Dr. Jussim, I need to back up in your Substack here and familiarize myself again with the threads leading up to this. I hope you are okay. It enrages me that your profession has been assaulted so profoundly, to no good. At least one would hope that a violent purge leads to civilization righting itself below the volcano where the virgins have just been tossed in, but no such cleansing appears to have occurred, just gutting. I’ll read up. Your friend immediately, former career teacher, Theodore Olson, @Hotspvrre.

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