
As a fellow scientist, I like what you’re doing! I’ll be upgrading to a paid subscription.

I was wondering if you would put me on your recommended list, I’m going to add you to my recommended list on my Substack, Everything is Biology.



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Heterodox Academy is limited to academics. Is this your path too? One of the things folk miss is that one of the enduring problems is that folk in the professions (law, medicine, engineering, pharmacy) are systematically smarter than most academics. Some cross-pollination might be good.

See the discussion here around the 27 minute mark. https://youtu.be/w0seQ-XvW0c

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“ Finally, the last fifty years of expansion of college education has not gone well, in that people with second-rate minds now expect to be treated like first-rate elites. In order to do that, many college-educated people have adopted a set of beliefs and attitudes that are certain to differentiate themselves from the rest of the public, because the beliefs and attitudes make little or no sense. This approach to class differentiation produces animosity all around.”


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SOIBS is open to anyone. Indeed, it explicitly includes practitioners, but a substantial minority of our Founding Members are public intellectual types with no anchor in academia.


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