You're welcome. That's why I go to the source when there's something hard to believe. And it raises huge eyebrows to then realize how much a supposedly reputable author is willing to stake on a grossly mistaken and misleading reading of information. People need fact checkers. Rigour breaks down when it's too personal... Unfortunately I've seen it time and again.

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If you have a problem with the assumption that systemic racism exists in mental health diagnosis and treatment, read the report of the CA Task Force on reparations which contains empirical documentation about racist practices. It's an extraordinary piece of research covering the US as well as California. It also describes how Black practitioners have tried repeatedly to address this racism and ultimately did withdraw from the APA and form their own organization. Black mental health organizations exist in many cities as a response to the racism in the profession.

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"Given what we know of politics operative in group identifications and collective organizational life, it is noteworthy to point out that with regards to the APsaA Holmes Commission, we are informed how different racial demographics generated tensions, divisions, conflicts, and racist enactments within the working groups, which were disclosed as part of the research findings. We should not be surprised that when people are reduced to the color of their skin, racial characteristics, ethnicity, or gendered identities, an unnecessary focus on difference will introduce discomfort and spur antagonism that only serves to erode more collective identifications, goals, and ideals all parties share in common. It is also ironic that psychoanalysts would engage in the most developmentally primitive splitting mechanisms they are so adept at analyzing. But we are all too human."

It's embarrassing to watch. Really quite sad.

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This article is just one of the issues that happens due to the feminisation of society. When you drill down in the organizations mentioned here, I am sure you will find female coalitions. Any org where you get more than one third females in management is bound to create these coalitions that are mainly driven by emotions, fueled by the smallest injustices. It is empathy gone berserk and imho explains the utterly remarkable fact that we never had a female Jobs, Bezos, Zuckerberg, Musk, Altman, etc. Not even one although women have been treated equally since before these great men were born.

We are the first generation of men that is confronted with an enormous amount of female organizational power. Women evolved to create coalitions based on sex to oppose the alpha males, something men just never needed to do in the 10,000 generations before us. Evolution taught men to collaborate very effectively in groups using the magic of fair competition to beat up our enemies to protect the women.

There never was a need to organize a male coalition against women. You can clearly see the effect on X. If a woman gets criticized, lots of women swarm to her defense. If a man gets criticized, men will just pile on. There is no male solidarity, not even close. "There is a special place in hell for women who do not help other women", is laughable when you replace women with men. Men are taught from a young age that our strengths are so much larger than girls that we need to be very careful with them. And since we like them so much, we generally are.

This article is a primary showcase why I think we need a male coalition. If men do not rise up and set boundaries to the emotional incontinence that drives these horror stories, our societies are truly doomed. I see lots of institutions, Scientific American, Cochran, Science, etc. being destroyed by women that seem totally unaware of the damage they are causing.

Maybe it is already too late, when we look at the demographics. Maybe feminism will just be like the Dodo, a failed experiment of evolution.

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CRT is the universal solvent. It can not only dissolve socialist scientism, it can melt down quackery! :)

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If I understand this correctly:

“ Joseph Schaller, who wanted vocal upset members to “speak their truth.” We are further informed that these “sources of truth” included interviews with 5 members and 6 graduate students and early career psychologists (all lumped together) over 4 Zoom sessions lasting 2 hours each, but not everyone attended all meetings nor stayed for the whole group interview. The mean age of participants was 22 years old, barely out of undergraduate university, if that”

Then the research is not actually conducted with practicing analysts?

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He got that 22 years old thing very wrong... The report clearly states: "➢ Each participant averages 22.4 year of membership in the division."

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Ah thanks for clarification

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And I would add to your question, “… with practicing analysts or any understanding of human psychology?”

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Is psychology a field whose most basic epistemology, ie its ability to generate fact/truth, perennially in dysfunction?

Every 15 or 20 years there is something....lobotomies, recovered memories, the strange discourses pathologizing homosexuals which were often is fact veiled misogyny, now gender theory....and now what you critique.

Are the problems of psychology its very essence?

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I think you have a much bigger problem. The aspects of quality study design mentioned in this article should be well known and common practice among professionals in fields such as psychology and psychiatry as well as any of the sciences. Why?: Because a root cause of mental health problems is muddled thinking. And the function of the psychologist/psychiatrist/psychoanalyst is to work with a person to learn to examine his/her thinking and feeling and to sort things out. The checks and balances used in quality study design are (or should be) the same as those in mental health therapy. Based on this article, I would posit that maybe the field should examine its practitioners and their actual competence to do the job. Seems that if not, they may actually be causing more harm than good.

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Are the inmates running the asylum of the psychiatric fields?

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Sep 8, 2023
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It's the field's version of land acknowledgment or the confession of privilege. And boy is psychology the perfect field to engage in this stuff.

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