> Through the related decolonial ideology, the idea that Israel has committed “genocide” has emerged.

I am under the impression that the State of Israel, a democracy, has engaged in actions that has resulted in the deaths of many tens of thousands of people in the last year or so (as well as before that, but in lower numbers). And, I have heard of many instances of actions that would be labelled as war crimes if they were committed by someone other than Jewish people or Westerners.

Do you believe my understanding of reality is incorrect?

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DEI is just the latest incarnation of racism, sexism, antisemitism and general hate by members of one group for members of other groups. Those who promote DEI should be seen for the white sheet hooded promoters of pogroms that they are.

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This was nearly 170 years in the making, right since the advent of feminism in Seneca Falls. MRAs have warned people repeatedly that the rampant casual misandry spouted by the mainstream was a slippery slope, that giving rights and privileges without the attendant responsibilities and accountability would lead to disaster; now here we are.

People should've acted when the pioneer of women/gender studies courses in American universities said that the population of men should be reduced to and kept at 10% of the world population. Now those people have had decades to entrench themselves and shape policy and culture.

What did you all expect?

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Simple, factual statements. Is it 1999 or something?

Nice work.

They got flags - Internationale doesn't use flags. I think they're created volk. I think they're a battering ram and sacrificial fuel for the fire. To be used so instrumentally like this... It's why I focus on Awareness rather than Attention.

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On Black Lives Mattering in 2020: The story that never got past the MSM 'news' selectivity was just how many black-on-black murderers went free in the wake of the 'mainly peaceful' orgy of opportunistic looting, raping and murdering that followed the death of George Floyd?

On DEI: Heather Mac Donald's The Diversity Delusion - (that I reviewed here: https://grahamcunningham.substack.com/p/how-diversity-narrows-the-mind) is a great mythbusting reality-check on the siren calls of ‘social justice’ now so insistent in all Western societies. It is a devastatingly compelling expose of “how race and gender pandering corrupts the university and undermine our culture.” To be a believer in personal responsibility in the contemporary West is to be continually assailed by invocations to feel guilty about the - largely baseless - alleged grievances of an ever-growing list of ‘victims of society’. This competitive victimhood narrative originated in academia but now oozes daily from the liberal media and has progressively been absorbed as orthodoxy in each and every one of our institutions, all the way from schools to armed forces."

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"the End of DEI?"

One hopes so. University of Texas' recent "cancellation" being a hopeful sign. Hard not to get the impression that DEI is no better than Soviet Russia's political commissars.

But a too ubiquitous tendency, something of a case-in-point from an article in the biological (?) magazine Cell which asks, apparently in all seriousness, "Is 'sex' a useful category?":

Cell: "Collaboration between life scientists and STS [Science & Technology Studies] scholars can be incredibly fruitful and take many forms. One approach involves embedding an STS scholar in a lab setting."


My open letter to Cell and the author, copies to biologists Jerry Coyne and Colin Wright:


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