Part of the problem is that looking at the real root causes leads to difficult solutions. Blaming an invisible, but omnipresent malign force is easy and leads to quick, if ineffective, solutions. Changing admission criteria can be done in a matter of months. Fixing primary and high school STEM education in minority areas, not so much. It's hard work and takes years, as well as facing some unpleasant realities about life in those communities. Maybe these people talking about invisible obstacles should visit a housing project or a grade school in Anacostia or the South Bronx. They will see the problem up close and personal.

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A correction is in order: 27 is the number of _unarmed_ Black men, not all Black men, killed by police in 2019. Interestingly, even among Very Conservative respondents, only a minority realized how rare the situation is.

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Good point. Thanks. I usually check the comments for a week or so after posting, then move on. But, occasionally, as here, I discovered this months later, and you were absolutely right. I actually love these reader corrections because I hate to be wrong, so feel free to keep it up!

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Blame Stefan von Holtzbrinck

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As humorless, self-righteous, insufferable and mediocre as corporate journalists are, they still fare better in all those metrics than academia

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Judaism isn't a race or ethnicity

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Not a race. Definitely an ethnicity. There are plenty of secular atheist Jews.

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Ugh. Real glad I didn’t stay in the business of trying to get research papers published. But is it Nature proper (the flagship journal) doing this, or just Nature Human Behaviour? I thought I had heard it was the latter. Not that that’s ok either.

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